Frequently Asked Questions
Full name?
David Charles Gregory

Date and place of birth?
21st September 1952 at Cheriton Nursing Home, Swindon, Wiltshire.

Colour of your hair/eyes?
My hair's still brown – still there! Currently with non-matching sandy moustache and side-whiskers. Eyes are brown (two rissoles in the snow).

Favourite food?
Anything well cooked, except pork and shellfish. Indian and Italian usually hit the spot.

Favourite drink?
Being diabetic I don't drink an awful lot. I like Beck's Beer, Aqua Libra, and cool fresh water. And a very nice inexpensive Australian red wine, Hardy's Stamp Of Australia Shiraz Cabernet, 1997 was a particularly good vintage.

Musical equipment?
Click here for a comprehensive list

Favourite colour?
Strangely attracted to all things blue

Favourite artist/album/single/guitar solo?
The answers to these questions can be found in the Dave's Faves pages

Favourite TV show?
Always goes on at 6pm for the News, but comedy really – Harry Enfield, Rab C. Nesbitt, Alexei Sayle, I'm Alan Partridge. Harry Hill is totally crackers. Married…With Children, classic irony, but I've yet to meet an American who thinks it's funny. The Simpsons, King Of The Hill and South Park are all spot on.